Meet The Team

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"To lead people, walk beside them." - Lao-Tzu


Vintage Rose Emporium is one of Kentucky's premier gift boutiques. Specializing in high-end product lines including Vera Bradley and Pandora, Vintage Rose is known for its top quality women's accessories and jewelry, one-of-a-kind gift selection, stationery and invitations, comprehensive bridal registries, and casual and formal tabletop and home décor.

Vintage Rose has been featured in national magazines including "Gifts & Decorative Accessories" as well as in the book, Shopping Your Way Across Kentucky.

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Company Hightlights
  • Vintage Rose Emporium specializes in high-end product lines including Vera Bradley and Pandora, top quality women's accessories, one-of-a-kind gifts, stationery and invitations, casual and formal tabletop, and home décor.

  • Internet Anywhere is an internet service provider offering dial-up access throughout the United States and broadband wireless in select cities.

  • Bookoodles Bookoodles is a direct-to-consumer seller of deeply discounted trade books, coffee-table books, literature books, and more.
